Hopefully, this coming weekend, I will be able to finish upgrading The Price of Deception to take care of some glaring problems that have been reported to me by my readers in the United Kingdom via reviews on Amazon. It will correct the verbal address of duke and duchess to Your Grace and other references as needed. I apologize for those oversights on my part. (Yes, I'm American, but with my extensive English ancestry, I should have known better.) The Price of Love does contain the correct form of address.
Amazon should automatically push the updated version to everyone's Kindle. I will contact them and make sure that happens.
Next on my list will be The Price of Innocence. I'll go through the text and make any necessary updates.
The Price of Love is currently at my editor and with three beta readers. Things are progressing, and I should be able to make the early October release.
Thanks for your patience!
After all is said and done, I probably will continue to Book #4, The Price of Passion. I'll make the final decision after Book #3's release. Frankly, even after 95,000 words continuing the family saga, it still isn't complete. I have too many unresolved love interests.
Have a great weekend dear friends and readers! As always, thank you for your support.